IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 4.6 Current Top 250 250

Sherlock Jr. (1924)  

Year: 1924



Duration: 45 min.

Directed by: Buster Keaton2/2

Cast: Buster Keaton3/3, Kathryn McGuire, Joe Keaton2/2, Erwin Connelly, Ward Crane, Jane Connelly, George Davis1/2, Doris Deane, Betsy Ann Hisle, Ruth Holly, Kewpie Morgan, Steve Murphy2/4, John Patrick, Ford West

137 8.2
Rank: 200 194     Rating: 8.2 8.1
248 7.8

Count of charts: 2998

First chart: Oct 01, 2006

Latest date of entering: Mar 30, 2018

Last chart: Sep 18, 2024

Earliest date of highest position: Apr 18, 2009

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 11

Biggest down: -18

Date Position Change Rating Votes
2006-10-01 228 * 7.9 2583
2006-10-03 231 ↓3 7.9 2596
2006-10-04 231 - 7.9 2599
2006-10-06 229 ↑2 7.9 2602
2006-10-11 230 ↓1 7.9 2616
2006-10-14 225 ↑5 7.9 2621
2006-10-15 222 ↑3 7.9 2625
2006-10-16 222 - 7.9 2628
2006-10-17 222 - 7.9 2630
2006-10-18 222 - 7.9 2633
2006-10-20 230 ↓8 7.9 2639
2006-10-23 223 ↑7 7.9 2647
2006-10-24 222 ↑1 7.9 2649
2006-10-25 221 ↑1 7.9 2652
2006-10-26 221 - 7.9 2656
2006-10-27 221 - 7.9 2657
2006-10-30 221 - 7.9 2661
2006-11-01 223 ↓2 7.9 2665
2006-11-03 224 ↓1 7.9 2670
2006-11-05 229 ↓5 7.9 2673
2006-11-08 232 ↓3 7.9 2685
2006-11-10 233 ↓1 7.9 2689
2006-11-11 233 - 7.9 2692
2006-11-13 233 - 7.9 2697
2006-11-15 233 - 7.9 2704
2006-11-16 236 ↓3 7.9 2711
2006-11-30 246 * 7.8 2744
2006-12-12 243 * 7.8 2771
2006-12-17 246 * 7.8 2778
2006-12-18 243 ↑3 7.8 2779
2007-03-04 234 * 7.9 2903
2007-03-05 233 ↑1 7.9 2904
2007-03-07 235 ↓2 7.9 2915
2007-03-08 235 - 7.9 2923
2007-03-09 233 ↑2 7.9 2932
2007-03-12 236 ↓3 7.9 2945
2007-03-14 236 - 7.9 2958
2007-03-15 236 - 7.9 2966
2007-03-16 234 ↑2 7.9 2973
2007-03-17 233 ↑1 7.9 2975
2007-03-18 233 - 7.9 2980
2007-03-19 234 ↓1 7.9 2981
2007-03-20 234 - 7.9 2986
2007-03-21 230 ↑4 7.9 2992
2007-03-22 230 - 7.9 3000
2007-03-23 230 - 7.9 3016
2007-03-24 230 - 7.9 3028
2007-03-25 227 ↑3 7.9 3032
2007-03-26 229 ↓2 7.9 3064
2007-03-28 227 ↑2 7.9 3079
full table