IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 5.6 Current Top 250 250

North by Northwest (1959)  

Year: 1959



Duration: 136 min.

US box-office: $13.3m

Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock6/13

Cast: Cary Grant2/8, Eva Marie Saint2/2, James Mason, Jessie Royce Landis, Leo G. Carroll2/3, Josephine Hutchinson, Philip Ober1/2, Martin Landau1/3, Adam Williams, Edward Platt1/2, Robert Ellenstein, Les Tremayne1/3, Philip Coolidge1/2, Patrick McVey, Edward Binns3/4

14 8.6
Rank: 104 61     Rating: 8.3 8.4
106 8.0

Count of charts: 7140

First chart: Apr 26, 1996

Latest date of entering: Apr 26, 1996

Last chart: Feb 09, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Jan 05, 1998

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 38

Biggest down: -21

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1996-04-26 31 * 8.0 925
1996-11-19 52 ↓21 8.1 1266
1996-12-19 54 ↓2 8.2 1323
1997-01-22 54 - 8.2 1376
1997-04-02 54 - 8.2 1482
1997-09-12 16 ↑38 8.3 1547
1997-10-03 15 ↑1 8.4 1600
1997-11-07 15 - 8.4 1681
1997-12-07 15 - 8.4 1763
1998-01-05 14 ↑1 8.4 1852
1998-02-01 16 ↓2 8.4 2050
1998-03-01 16 - 8.3 2229
1998-04-07 16 - 8.1 2346
1998-05-03 15 ↑1 8.3 2524
1998-08-20 15 - 8.0 2812
1998-10-05 16 ↓1 8.0 3204
1998-12-30 16 - 8.1 3741
1999-03-01 17 ↓1 8.1 4219
1999-04-12 17 - 0.0
1999-08-01 17 - 8.4 5203
1999-09-09 17 - 8.4 6427
1999-10-10 19 ↓2 8.4 6687
1999-11-16 18 ↑1 8.4 7177
1999-12-30 19 ↓1 8.5 7656
2000-04-23 20 ↓1 8.4 8849
2000-05-25 20 - 8.4 9048
2000-06-30 20 - 8.4 9384
2000-08-01 19 ↑1 8.4 9665
2000-09-01 20 ↓1 8.4 9992
2000-10-02 18 ↑2 8.4 10316
2000-10-18 18 - 8.4 10469
2000-10-19 18 - 8.4 10491
2000-11-02 17 ↑1 8.5 10620
2000-11-10 18 ↓1 8.4 10694
2000-11-21 18 - 8.5 10805
2000-12-01 18 - 8.5 10925
2000-12-03 18 - 8.5 10939
2000-12-04 18 - 8.5 10953
2000-12-05 18 - 8.5 10964
2000-12-12 18 - 8.5 11025
2001-01-02 18 - 8.5 11294
2001-01-09 17 ↑1 8.5 11399
2001-01-21 19 ↓2 8.5 11578
2001-01-27 19 - 8.5 11660
2001-02-01 19 - 8.5 11722
2001-02-02 18 ↑1 8.5 11739
2001-02-03 18 - 8.5 11754
2001-02-10 18 - 8.5 11852
2001-02-14 18 - 8.5 11891
2001-03-01 19 ↓1 8.5 12111
full table