IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 9.0 Current Top 250 250

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)  

Year: 1962



Duration: 228 min.

US box-office: $45.3m

Directed by: David Lean2/5

Cast: Peter O'Toole2/5, Alec Guinness5/9, Anthony Quinn1/4, Jack Hawkins3/3, Omar Sharif1/2, José Ferrer1/2, Anthony Quayle, Claude Rains3/6, Arthur Kennedy, Donald Wolfit, I.S. Johar, Gamil Ratib, Michel Ray, John Dimech, Zia Mohyeddin

17 8.6
Rank: 100 70     Rating: 8.3 8.4
115 7.9

Count of charts: 7125

First chart: Apr 26, 1996

Latest date of entering: Oct 27, 2013

Last chart: Jan 26, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Nov 07, 1997

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 41

Biggest down: -19

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1996-04-26 28 * 8.0 927
1996-11-19 47 ↓19 8.1 1269
1996-12-19 53 ↓6 8.2 1304
1997-01-22 50 ↑3 8.2 1372
1997-04-02 59 ↓9 8.2 1456
1997-09-12 18 ↑41 8.3 1468
1997-10-03 18 - 8.3 1509
1997-11-07 17 ↑1 8.3 1569
1997-12-07 18 ↓1 8.3 1638
1998-01-05 19 ↓1 8.3 1723
1998-02-01 20 ↓1 8.3 1851
1998-03-01 22 ↓2 8.2 1991
1998-04-07 23 ↓1 8.0 2104
1998-05-03 25 ↓2 8.2 2308
1998-08-20 25 - 7.9 2453
1998-10-05 26 ↓1 7.9 2736
1998-12-30 25 ↑1 8.0 3091
1999-03-01 26 ↓1 8.0 3525
1999-04-12 27 ↓1 0.0
1999-08-01 21 ↑6 8.3 4319
1999-09-09 22 ↓1 8.4 5485
1999-10-10 23 ↓1 8.4 5685
1999-11-16 23 - 8.4 6041
1999-12-30 26 ↓3 8.4 6433
2000-04-23 26 - 8.3 7450
2000-05-25 26 - 8.3 7623
2000-06-30 26 - 8.3 7903
2000-08-01 24 ↑2 8.4 8134
2000-09-01 23 ↑1 8.4 8379
2000-10-02 23 - 8.4 8595
2000-10-18 24 ↓1 8.4 8682
2000-10-19 24 - 8.4 8704
2000-11-02 23 ↑1 8.4 8799
2000-11-10 24 ↓1 8.4 8840
2000-11-21 24 - 8.4 8903
2000-12-01 23 ↑1 8.4 8981
2000-12-03 22 ↑1 8.4 8997
2000-12-04 23 ↓1 8.4 9008
2000-12-05 23 - 8.4 9021
2000-12-12 23 - 8.4 9073
2001-01-02 23 - 8.4 9262
2001-01-09 23 - 8.4 9340
2001-01-21 24 ↓1 8.4 9465
2001-01-27 24 - 8.4 9524
2001-02-01 24 - 8.4 9581
2001-02-02 24 - 8.4 9587
2001-02-03 24 - 8.4 9601
2001-02-10 24 - 8.4 9674
2001-02-14 24 - 8.4 9700
2001-03-01 24 - 8.4 9866
full table