IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 8.8 Current Top 250 250

The Sound of Music (1965)  

Year: 1965


Duration: 172 min.

US box-office: $159.3m

Directed by: Robert Wise1/5

Cast: Julie Andrews1/2, Christopher Plummer3/11, Eleanor Parker, Richard Haydn1/2, Peggy Wood, Charmian Carr, Heather Menzies-Urich, Nicholas Hammond1/2, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner, Kym Karath, Anna Lee1/3, Portia Nelson, Ben Wright3/5

142 8.1
Rank: 234 238     Rating: 8.1 8.1
245 7.3

Count of charts: 1079

First chart: Apr 26, 1996

Latest date of entering: Mar 01, 2022

Last chart: Feb 10, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Apr 02, 1997

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 49

Biggest down: -34

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1996-04-26 225 * 7.3 561
1996-11-19 176 ↑49 7.7 913
1996-12-19 172 ↑4 7.8 967
1997-01-22 158 ↑14 7.9 1043
1997-04-02 142 ↑16 8.0 1167
1997-09-12 161 ↓19 7.7 1098
1997-10-03 154 ↑7 7.7 1145
1997-11-07 161 ↓7 7.7 1220
1997-12-07 172 ↓11 7.6 1308
1998-01-05 182 ↓10 7.6 1380
1998-02-01 182 - 7.6 1488
1998-03-01 167 ↑15 7.6 1615
1998-04-07 164 ↑3 7.5 1699
1998-05-03 168 ↓4 7.6 1797
1998-08-20 180 ↓12 7.3 1849
1998-10-05 183 ↓3 7.3 2024
1998-12-30 209 ↓26 7.3 2304
1999-03-01 243 ↓34 7.4 2699
1999-04-12 240 ↑3 0.0
2022-03-01 238 * 8.0 222372
2022-03-02 238 - 8.0 222438
2022-03-03 238 - 8.0 222490
2022-03-04 239 ↓1 8.0 222553
2022-03-05 239 - 8.0 222622
2022-03-06 239 - 8.0 222701
2022-03-07 239 - 8.0 222778
2022-03-08 239 - 8.0 222844
2022-03-09 239 - 8.0 222903
2022-03-10 239 - 8.0 222955
2022-03-11 239 - 8.0 223002
2022-03-12 239 - 8.0 223062
2022-03-13 239 - 8.0 223124
2022-03-14 239 - 8.0 223199
2022-03-15 239 - 8.0 223254
2022-03-16 239 - 8.0 223312
2022-03-17 239 - 8.0 223361
2022-03-18 239 - 8.0 223419
2022-03-19 239 - 8.0 223458
2022-03-20 239 - 8.0 223516
2022-03-21 239 - 8.0 223574
2022-03-22 238 ↑1 8.0 223630
2022-03-23 238 - 8.0 223690
2022-03-24 238 - 8.0 223722
2022-03-25 238 - 8.0 223774
2022-03-26 238 - 8.0 223833
2022-03-27 238 - 8.0 223900
2022-03-28 238 - 8.0 223971
2022-03-29 238 - 8.0 224021
2022-03-30 238 - 8.0 224056
2022-03-31 238 - 8.0 224108
full table