IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 5.9 Current Top 250 250

Jurassic Park (1993)  

Year: 1993



Duration: 127 min.

US box-office: $404.2m

Directed by: Steven Spielberg7/11

Cast: Sam Neill1/5, Laura Dern1/5, Jeff Goldblum2/9, Richard Attenborough2/4, Bob Peck, Martin Ferrero2/3, B.D. Wong1/2, Joseph Mazzello1/4, Ariana Richards, Samuel L. Jackson8/23, Wayne Knight1/5, Gerald R. Molen2/3, Miguel Sandoval, Cameron Thor1/2, Christopher John Fields2/5

141 8.2
Rank: 141 186     Rating: 8.2 8.1
250 8.0

Count of charts: 4380

First chart: Oct 09, 2012

Latest date of entering: Apr 07, 2014

Last chart: Jan 25, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Sep 14, 2024

Count of charts in highest position: 134

Biggest up: 16

Biggest down: -8

Date Position Change Rating Votes
2012-10-09 248 * 8.0 251061
2012-10-10 250 ↓2 8.0 251315
2012-10-11 248 ↑2 8.0 251342
2012-10-12 248 - 8.0 251569
2012-10-13 249 ↓1 8.0 251763
2012-10-14 249 - 8.0 252025
2012-10-15 248 ↑1 8.0 252308
2012-10-16 247 ↑1 8.0 252616
2012-10-17 248 ↓1 8.0 252843
2012-10-18 249 ↓1 8.0 253034
2012-10-19 244 ↑5 8.0 253427
2012-10-20 245 ↓1 8.0 253636
2012-10-21 244 ↑1 8.0 253857
2012-10-22 244 - 8.0 254183
2012-10-23 245 ↓1 8.0 254412
2012-10-24 244 ↑1 8.0 254653
2012-10-25 245 ↓1 8.0 254853
2012-10-26 245 - 8.0 255034
2012-10-27 245 - 8.0 255255
2012-10-28 246 ↓1 8.0 255507
2012-10-29 246 - 8.0 255843
2012-10-31 247 ↓1 8.0 256470
2012-11-01 247 - 8.0 256483
2012-11-02 245 ↑2 8.0 256704
2012-11-03 244 ↑1 8.0 256908
2012-11-04 245 ↓1 8.0 257172
2012-11-05 243 ↑2 8.0 257499
2012-11-06 244 ↓1 8.0 257744
2012-11-07 246 ↓2 8.0 257960
2012-11-08 245 ↑1 8.0 258182
2012-11-09 245 - 8.0 258408
2012-11-10 244 ↑1 8.0 258586
2012-11-11 246 ↓2 8.0 258813
2012-11-12 247 ↓1 8.0 259068
2012-11-13 245 ↑2 8.0 259313
2012-11-14 245 - 8.0 259535
2012-11-15 246 ↓1 8.0 259786
2012-11-16 245 ↑1 8.0 259979
2012-11-17 246 ↓1 8.0 260142
2012-11-18 244 ↑2 8.0 260345
2012-11-19 246 ↓2 8.0 260611
2012-11-20 246 - 8.0 260798
2012-11-21 246 - 8.0 260936
2012-11-22 245 ↑1 8.0 261120
2012-11-23 246 ↓1 8.0 261287
2012-11-24 246 - 8.0 261478
2012-11-25 245 ↑1 8.0 261493
2012-11-26 246 ↓1 8.0 261698
2012-11-27 246 - 8.0 261975
2012-11-28 245 ↑1 8.0 262194
full table