IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 6.9 Current Top 250 250

Fargo (1996)  

Year: 1996



Duration: 98 min.

US box-office: $24.6m

Directed by: Joel Coen3/10, Ethan Coen3/10

Cast: William H. Macy2/8, Steve Buscemi5/9, Peter Stormare2/8, Kristin Rudrüd1/2, Harve Presnell2/3, Tony Denman1/2, Gary Houston1/3, Sally Wingert1/2, Kurt Schweickhardt, Larissa Kokernot, Melissa Peterman, Steve Reevis1/2, Warren Keith2/3, Steve Edelman, Sharon Anderson

15 8.4
Rank: 176 142     Rating: 8.1 8.1
178 7.7

Count of charts: 7145

First chart: Apr 26, 1996

Latest date of entering: Apr 26, 1996

Last chart: Feb 14, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Sep 12, 1997

Count of charts in highest position: 1

Biggest up: 43

Biggest down: -14

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1996-04-26 67 * 7.8 214
1996-11-19 24 ↑43 8.3 1148
1996-12-19 22 ↑2 8.4 1425
1997-01-22 23 ↓1 8.4 1820
1997-04-02 27 ↓4 8.4 2434
1997-09-12 15 ↑12 8.3 2282
1997-10-03 17 ↓2 8.2 2421
1997-11-07 21 ↓4 8.2 2629
1997-12-07 28 ↓7 8.1 2861
1998-01-05 30 ↓2 8.1 3123
1998-02-01 32 ↓2 8.1 3533
1998-03-01 37 ↓5 8.0 3949
1998-04-07 39 ↓2 7.9 4361
1998-05-03 42 ↓3 8.0 4869
1998-08-20 48 ↓6 7.7 4668
1998-10-05 49 ↓1 7.7 5339
1998-12-30 59 ↓10 7.7 6466
1999-03-01 66 ↓7 7.8 7864
1999-04-12 80 ↓14 0.0
1999-08-01 94 ↓14 8.0 10642
1999-09-09 55 ↑39 8.1 14911
1999-10-10 57 ↓2 8.1 15483
1999-11-16 65 ↓8 8.1 16619
1999-12-30 69 ↓4 8.1 17629
2000-04-23 65 ↑4 8.0 20350
2000-05-25 68 ↓3 8.0 20777
2000-06-30 67 ↑1 8.1 21390
2000-08-01 72 ↓5 8.1 21944
2000-09-01 71 ↑1 8.1 22467
2000-10-02 71 - 8.1 22984
2000-10-18 70 ↑1 8.1 23217
2000-10-19 72 ↓2 8.1 23254
2000-11-02 75 ↓3 8.1 23481
2000-11-10 74 ↑1 8.1 23590
2000-11-21 74 - 8.1 23762
2000-12-01 74 - 8.1 23945
2000-12-03 72 ↑2 8.1 23974
2000-12-04 72 - 8.1 23992
2000-12-05 72 - 8.1 24008
2000-12-12 74 ↓2 8.1 24118
2001-01-02 74 - 8.1 24519
2001-01-09 71 ↑3 8.1 24670
2001-01-21 73 ↓2 8.1 25022
2001-01-27 73 - 8.1 25186
2001-02-01 73 - 8.1 25327
2001-02-02 73 - 8.1 25352
2001-02-03 71 ↑2 8.1 25387
2001-02-10 73 ↓2 8.1 25551
2001-02-14 72 ↑1 8.1 25631
2001-03-01 73 ↓1 8.1 26024
full table