IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 5.3 Current Top 250 250

Django Unchained (2012)  

Year: 2012


Duration: 165 min.

US box-office: $162.8m

Directed by: Quentin Tarantino5/9

Cast: Jamie Foxx2/5, Christoph Waltz2/2, Leonardo DiCaprio6/11, Kerry Washington1/2, Samuel L. Jackson8/23, Walton Goggins, Dennis Christopher, James Remar3/5, David Steen2/3, Dana Michelle Gourrier, Nichole Galicia, Laura Cayouette1/2, Ato Essandoh1/3, Sammi Rotibi, Clay Donahue Fontenot1/2

37 8.5
Rank: 53 56     Rating: 8.5 8.4
62 8.4

Count of charts: 4388

First chart: Jan 03, 2013

Latest date of entering: Jan 03, 2013

Last chart: Feb 10, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Jan 21, 2013

Count of charts in highest position: 15

Biggest up: 7

Biggest down: -2

Date Position Change Rating Votes
2013-01-03 62 * 8.4 26574
2013-01-04 60 ↑2 8.4 28229
2013-01-05 59 ↑1 8.4 29894
2013-01-06 54 ↑5 8.4 32305
2013-01-07 47 ↑7 8.5 36578
2013-01-08 45 ↑2 8.5 40627
2013-01-09 44 ↑1 8.5 43949
2013-01-10 44 - 8.5 47231
2013-01-11 44 - 8.5 50273
2013-01-12 44 - 8.5 53576
2013-01-13 43 ↑1 8.5 57840
2013-01-14 43 - 8.5 62537
2013-01-15 43 - 8.5 65943
2013-01-16 43 - 8.5 66954
2013-01-17 43 - 8.5 69228
2013-01-18 43 - 8.5 72529
2013-01-19 42 ↑1 8.5 76992
2013-01-20 39 ↑3 8.5 83955
2013-01-21 37 ↑2 8.5 93091
2013-01-22 37 - 8.5 102469
2013-01-23 37 - 8.5 108662
2013-01-24 37 - 8.5 113910
2013-01-25 37 - 8.5 119188
2013-01-26 37 - 8.5 124258
2013-01-27 37 - 8.5 129297
2013-01-28 37 - 8.5 135584
2013-01-29 37 - 8.5 142550
2013-01-30 37 - 8.5 147302
2013-01-31 37 - 8.5 154826
2013-02-01 37 - 8.5 158198
2013-02-02 37 - 8.5 161843
2013-02-03 37 - 8.5 166411
2013-02-04 37 - 8.5 171233
2013-02-05 38 ↓1 8.5 173892
2013-02-06 38 - 8.5 174142
2013-02-07 38 - 8.5 175345
2013-02-08 39 ↓1 8.5 180550
2013-02-11 39 - 8.5 183499
2013-02-12 39 - 8.5 194932
2013-02-13 39 - 8.5 197401
2013-02-14 39 - 8.5 199389
2013-02-15 39 - 8.5 199536
2013-02-16 39 - 8.5 201419
2013-02-17 39 - 8.5 203442
2013-02-18 39 - 8.5 206006
2013-02-19 41 ↓2 8.5 208978
2013-02-20 41 - 8.5 211466
2013-02-21 41 - 8.5 213674
2013-02-22 41 - 8.5 217082
2013-02-23 41 - 8.5 218755
full table