IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 5.3 Current Top 250 250

La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)  
The Passion of Joan of Arc (International (English title))

Year: 1928



Duration: 110 min.

Directed by: Carl Theodor Dreyer

Cast: Maria Falconetti, Eugene Silvain, André Berley, Maurice Schutz1/2, Antonin Artaud, Michel Simon, Jean d'Yd, Louis Ravet, Armand Lurville, Jacques Arnna, Alexandre Mihalesco, Léon Larive1/3, Jean Aymé, Gilbert Dacheux, Gilbert Dalleu

124 8.2
Rank: 229 202     Rating: 8.1 8.1
250 7.6

Count of charts: 4165

First chart: Apr 01, 2001

Latest date of entering: Aug 16, 2016

Last chart: Feb 09, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Aug 16, 2016

Count of charts in highest position: 7

Biggest up: 22

Biggest down: -40

Date Position Change Rating Votes
2001-04-01 215 * 7.6 757
2001-04-04 214 ↑1 7.6 762
2001-04-08 215 ↓1 7.6 767
2001-04-11 218 ↓3 7.6 773
2001-04-13 213 ↑5 7.6 777
2001-05-01 208 ↑5 7.7 804
2001-05-08 207 ↑1 7.7 810
2001-05-29 197 ↑10 7.7 844
2001-05-30 198 ↓1 7.7 844
2001-06-01 197 ↑1 7.7 845
2001-06-02 198 ↓1 7.7 848
2001-06-03 198 - 7.7 849
2001-06-04 199 ↓1 7.7 850
2003-06-01 234 * 7.7 1746
2003-06-02 234 - 7.7 1748
2003-06-03 234 - 7.7 1749
2003-06-04 234 - 7.7 1750
2003-06-08 235 ↓1 7.7 1753
2003-06-21 236 ↓1 7.7 1772
2003-06-22 235 ↑1 7.7 1775
2003-07-01 229 ↑6 7.7 1800
2003-07-05 236 ↓7 7.7 1805
2003-07-20 236 - 7.7 1840
2003-07-24 236 - 7.7 1846
2003-07-31 236 - 7.7 1856
2003-08-01 236 - 7.7 1858
2003-08-06 236 - 7.7 1863
2003-08-09 237 ↓1 7.7 1873
2003-08-10 238 ↓1 7.7 1877
2003-08-11 238 - 7.7 1878
2003-08-12 238 - 7.7 1879
2003-08-16 238 - 7.7 1890
2003-08-23 238 - 7.7 1899
2003-09-01 239 ↓1 7.7 1916
2003-09-15 233 ↑6 7.7 1939
2003-09-30 233 - 7.7 1958
2003-10-01 233 - 7.7 1960
2003-10-03 233 - 7.7 1964
2003-10-08 232 ↑1 7.7 1971
2003-10-10 232 - 7.7 1972
2003-10-12 232 - 7.7 1976
2003-10-25 234 ↓2 7.7 2007
2003-10-26 234 - 7.7 2007
2003-11-01 228 ↑6 7.7 2018
2003-11-16 224 ↑4 7.7 2051
2003-11-18 225 ↓1 7.7 2053
2003-12-01 222 ↑3 7.7 2079
2003-12-03 224 ↓2 7.7 2078
2003-12-05 224 - 7.7 2079
2003-12-13 220 ↑4 7.7 2105
full table