IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 3.0 Current Top 250 250

Intouchables (2011)  
Untouchable (Europe, English title)

Year: 2011



Duration: 112 min.

US box-office: $10.2m

Directed by: Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano

Cast: François Cluzet, Omar Sy1/2, Anne Le Ny, Audrey Fleurot, Joséphine de Meaux, Clotilde Mollet2/3, Alba Gaïa Kraghede Bellugi, Cyril Mendy, Salimata Kamate, Absa Diatou Toure, Grégoire Oestermann, Dominique Daguier, François Caron, Christian Ameri, Thomas Solivéres

37 8.5
Rank: 47 45     Rating: 8.5 8.5
249 8.0

Count of charts: 4661

First chart: Mar 02, 2012

Latest date of entering: Mar 02, 2012

Last chart: Feb 09, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Mar 17, 2014

Count of charts in highest position: 700

Biggest up: 15

Biggest down: -13

Date Position Change Rating Votes
2012-03-02 247 * 8.0 9934
2012-03-03 249 ↓2 8.0 10127
2012-03-04 237 ↑12 8.0 10347
2012-03-05 244 ↓7 8.0 10625
2012-03-07 237 ↑7 8.0 11070
2012-03-08 236 ↑1 8.0 11229
2012-03-10 231 ↑5 8.0 11405
2012-03-11 219 ↑12 8.0 11747
2012-03-12 214 ↑5 8.0 12073
2012-03-13 205 ↑9 8.0 12434
2012-03-14 203 ↑2 8.0 12657
2012-03-15 203 - 8.0 12889
2012-03-16 201 ↑2 8.0 13101
2012-03-17 200 ↑1 8.0 13303
2012-03-19 198 ↑2 8.0 13511
2012-03-20 196 ↑2 8.0 13831
2012-03-21 193 ↑3 8.0 14188
2012-03-22 192 ↑1 8.1 14651
2012-03-24 189 ↑3 8.1 15129
2012-03-25 187 ↑2 8.1 15490
2012-03-27 178 ↑9 8.1 16445
2012-03-28 176 ↑2 8.1 16796
2012-03-29 173 ↑3 8.1 17090
2012-03-30 169 ↑4 8.1 17434
2012-03-31 167 ↑2 8.1 17823
2012-04-03 152 ↑15 8.1 19454
2012-04-04 150 ↑2 8.1 19848
2012-04-05 147 ↑3 8.2 20230
2012-04-06 144 ↑3 8.2 20645
2012-04-07 142 ↑2 8.2 21071
2012-04-08 139 ↑3 8.2 21582
2012-04-09 134 ↑5 8.2 22171
2012-04-10 134 - 8.2 22827
2012-04-11 130 ↑4 8.2 23365
2012-04-12 128 ↑2 8.2 23827
2012-04-13 128 - 8.2 24223
2012-04-14 128 - 8.2 24667
2012-04-17 126 ↑2 8.2 26550
2012-04-18 125 ↑1 8.2 26966
2012-04-19 124 ↑1 8.2 27359
2012-04-20 123 ↑1 8.2 27775
2012-04-21 120 ↑3 8.2 28214
2012-04-22 118 ↑2 8.2 28723
2012-04-23 117 ↑1 8.2 29361
2012-04-24 115 ↑2 8.2 30031
2012-04-25 113 ↑2 8.3 30484
2012-04-26 113 - 8.3 30853
2012-04-27 113 - 8.3 31241
2012-04-28 111 ↑2 8.3 31608
2012-04-29 111 - 8.3 32039
full table