IMDb rmer
Count of charts: 6942
Count of movies: 992, including 328 (33%) Oscar-winners and 221 (22%) blockbusters with $100m+ domestic box-office.

Current chart date: 2024-07-26
Count of movies: 250, including 120 (48%) Oscar-winners and 77 (31%) blockbusters with $100m+ domestic box-office.

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Top 250 adjusted (equal or more than) to the 250th lowest vote:all-time
Top 250 by average rating:all-time
Top 250 by highest rating:all-time
Directors of movies in Top 250:all-timecurrent
Actors in movies in Top 250:all-timecurrent
Countries (incl. co-production) made movies in Top 250:all-timecurrent
Countries (separate) made movies in Top 250:all-timecurrent
Genres of movies in Top 250:all-timecurrent
Genres (separate) of movies in Top 250:all-timecurrent
Production years of movies in Top 250:all-timecurrent

Only for registered users: (with filters (to see/to own) and checking)
Most viewed movies in Top 250 (by registered users):all-time
User's Top 250 (by registered users):all-time
Movie Significance Index:all-time

All movies incl. other lists from profile:  by rating    by year  
All movies from Top 250:  by rating  
Oscar winners:  by rating    by count  
Oscar nominees:  by rating    by count  
The Masters of Cinema series:  by rating    by year  
The Criterion Collection series:  by rating    by spine number  
$100m+ US Box-office:  by rating    by gross  
Yearly Top 10 US Box-office:  by rating    by year  
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die:  by rating    by year  
US National Film Registry:  by year