IMDb rmer
Movie Significance Index 4.5 Current Top 250 250

Fight Club (1999)  

Year: 1999



Duration: 139 min.

US box-office: $37.0m

Directed by: David Fincher3/8

Cast: Edward Norton3/7, Brad Pitt5/15, Helena Bonham Carter2/13, Meat Loaf1/2, Zach Grenier1/5, Richmond Arquette2/4, David Andrews1/2, George Maguire1/2, Eugenie Bondurant, Christina Cabot1/2, Sydney 'Big Dawg' Colston2/2, Rachel Singer2/2, Christie Cronenweth, Tim De Zarn1/4, Ezra Buzzington2/5

10 8.8
Rank: 13 15     Rating: 8.8 8.7
43 8.2

Count of charts: 7116

First chart: Nov 16, 1999

Latest date of entering: Nov 16, 1999

Last chart: Feb 07, 2025

Earliest date of highest position: Aug 29, 2012

Count of charts in highest position: 2642

Biggest up: 6

Biggest down: -6

Date Position Change Rating Votes
1999-11-16 26 * 8.3 4210
1999-12-30 32 ↓6 8.3 6612
2000-04-23 29 ↑3 8.3 9891
2000-05-25 31 ↓2 8.3 11264
2000-06-30 29 ↑2 8.3 13376
2000-08-01 30 ↓1 8.3 14865
2000-09-01 31 ↓1 8.3 16207
2000-10-02 34 ↓3 8.3 17203
2000-10-18 34 - 8.3 17670
2000-10-19 34 - 8.3 17740
2000-11-02 35 ↓1 8.3 18172
2000-11-10 35 - 8.3 18430
2000-11-21 37 ↓2 8.3 18833
2000-12-01 37 - 8.3 19208
2000-12-03 37 - 8.3 19282
2000-12-04 37 - 8.3 19321
2000-12-05 36 ↑1 8.3 19372
2000-12-12 37 ↓1 8.3 19561
2001-01-02 37 - 8.3 20343
2001-01-09 38 ↓1 8.2 20644
2001-01-21 40 ↓2 8.3 21338
2001-01-27 40 - 8.3 21653
2001-02-01 40 - 8.3 21896
2001-02-02 39 ↑1 8.3 21938
2001-02-03 40 ↓1 8.3 21986
2001-02-10 39 ↑1 8.3 22331
2001-02-14 40 ↓1 8.3 22487
2001-03-01 39 ↑1 8.3 23236
2001-03-22 40 ↓1 8.3 24162
2001-04-01 38 ↑2 8.3 24580
2001-04-04 38 - 8.3 24780
2001-04-08 38 - 8.3 24934
2001-04-11 38 - 8.3 25126
2001-04-13 38 - 8.3 25217
2001-05-01 38 - 8.3 26054
2001-05-08 38 - 8.3 26299
2001-05-29 37 ↑1 8.3 27147
2001-05-30 37 - 8.3 27206
2001-06-01 37 - 8.3 27288
2001-06-02 37 - 8.3 27325
2001-06-03 38 ↓1 8.3 27366
2001-06-04 38 - 8.3 27413
2001-06-07 32 ↑6 8.3 27528
2001-06-10 32 - 8.3 27712
2001-06-12 31 ↑1 8.3 27810
2001-06-13 32 ↓1 8.3 27862
2001-06-16 31 ↑1 8.3 28005
2001-06-22 32 ↓1 8.3 28288
2001-06-28 32 - 8.3 28506
2001-06-29 31 ↑1 8.3 28607
full table